Sunday, March 22, 2009

Jazzi Girlz event coming soon!

I'm taking a leap of faith and lots of initiative to increase my business and get more customers. I have decided to host Jazzi Girlz very first Open House and Design Showcase in May!

It's all still in the planning stages in my mind but I want to have a nice event with my designs, hair accessories and other products on display to purchase and sell.
I'm currently working on my summer collection. There will be pretty, colorful halter dresses, super full twirl skirts with embellished tank tops and my ever so popular Jazzi Pants made of breathable cool cotton. Oh how I love lil girls in skirts and dresses!

To get ready for this, I'm taking April and half of May off to get ready for it.

I may even do a fashion show if I can get enough sewn! Stay tuned.......

Friday, March 20, 2009

2009 Summer the works!

I'm very excited about working on designs for the summer! As a designer, I'm sad to say I'm always behind the seasons and not ahead the way the fashion world works. I don't get to my Christmas, Valentines, Halloween etc. until 3 wks before the holiday and seasonal clothing is done in the middle, not before the season starts with me. I work full-time so it's hard to get everything done the way I want.

I am putting my foot done on my procrastination and making an effort to get on track. For me that means ignoring Spring this year. I really won't do many Spring designs so that I can focus all my attention on Summer, and after July I'll go right into Fall. I plan on taking the whole month of April off (no custom orders) to get as much done as possible.

I plan on using lots of color, bright and unique prints and unexpected color combos. Cute summer halter dresses, twirl skirts, embellished tank tops and jean capris are just a few things on my list! You'll see lots of ruching, lace, unique trims put to creative use as well! I have soooo many ideas and deigns that have been floating around in my head! Many of the outfits will be one-of-a-kind, not to be duplicated. Also in an effort to make good use of the fruits of my addiction (FABRIC) I will be using up fabric I have had on hand for 2 yrs or more. I will giving sneak peeks very soon! STAY TUNED!!!!

Easter's Coming! Get your pillows!

With Easter right around the corner I think it's a great time to do a special. FOr one week only I'm offering my Keepsake name pillows for $30! People tend to get Easter baskets with lots of tooth decaying candy in it for kids. Last year I made my own for Nyla and ended up spending waaaaayy more than if I just bought one! I filled it with coloring books, puzzles, toys, educational items and healthier snacks, very little candy. Excuse the rough pic. My baby had just woke up a few minutes before the pic. lol

I'm offering an alternative to the same ol same ol! Get your orders in from 3/20 to 3/27 only. I ship around the world as well. Shipping charges apply.

Email me at!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wish I could afford to hire Michael Phelps....

But I can't so I enrolled my daughter in the Goldfish Swim School! They specialize in teaching kids only to swim. I really want her to learn how before the summer. My parents have a pool, a since she loves being with Gramma and PawPaw every chance she gets I thought this is a great time to start!

I originally put her in a swimming class when she was 9 months and again at 18 months. But of course she didn't learn to swim. It was more of a mommy and me thing where the parent had to be in the water with the child. I got tired of singing "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round" so I said no more classes until she gets to an age where she can REALLY learn, (without me having to get in, lol).

She had her first class and she did great! I was so proud of her! She wasn't a bit scared...not like she was in the 1st photo photo. (she was screamin bloody murder with my dad in the pool)
Here's pictures from her first class with her teacher Meagan who is great by the way!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My child is HILARIOUS!!!

God knew just what he was doing when he blessed me with a girl! Honestly if it wasn't for Nyla I wouldn't even have my business and I certainly would not have the interest in sewing. Children really bring some great things to your life! But they also bring some challenges. It's funny watching their little personalities develop.

Anyhow this child never ceases to amaze me with her "GROWNESS"! She wants to be a lady soooo bad! Examples.

A few weeks ago she asked me for a wig/weave. (she's very particular about her hair)
She asks to get her nails and toes done regularly. (I used to do nails so I oblige)
She loves to wear perfume and lipgloss
And when she was coming out of her diaper stage she sat on the potty like this

But the funniest example lately has to be this......

She got hold of my black and gold Enzo pumps and proceeded to sashay around the house. Funny thing is she can walk better in a pair of way too large 4.5 inch heels than some women can in a pair of house slippers!

She was workin it! Ashy little knees and all! LOL!