Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rapunzel....Let her hair down!

When I asked God for a girl I knew that there would be days ahead where I'd want to exchange her for a little peanut head boy who only needs a visit to the barber once a week and a daily quick brush.

But nooooo, I wanted sugar, spice and everything nice and so I must do hair every morning if I don't want my child looking a hot mess. The other day I decided to give Nyla a real old school wash, hard press and curl and even clipped her ends. This is what her hair looks like straight out of the tub after being washed. Very curly, wavy and a joy (sarcasm) to manage.

And this is what it looks like after lots of heat and PATIENCE!

A mother has a right to brag on her child so I will say my baby has gorgeous hair! It came out so pretty! But this little stinker was so happy about her hair that she took on a total different DIVATUDE once it was done! She thought she was super FINE! Her teacher said "Please don't do her her like that anymore"! According to her she was shaking it in everyone's face that day! LOL. And guess what? She sweated it out the next day so all my work was in vain anyway! I think I'm gonna have to start getting it braided. Too much work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog! I'm thehoustongirl from Rhymeswithsnitch! :D have a good one

ps your daughter is sooo cute!